Mandatory Boat Washing

It is well known that harmful invasive species spread from one waterway to another by boats that have not been properly washed. Once established, these species can do irreparable harm to the ecology of the lake into which they enter and thus to the local economy. Accordingly, proper boat washing is vital to preventing the spread of invasive species.

An important success of the Blue Sea Lake Watershed Association has been to convince our Municipal Partners, Blue Sea and Messines, to implement a program of mandatory boat washing for all motorized and non-motorized watercraft entering the lakes in the Blue Sea watershed. Both Municipalities are now strongly committed to this program and have worked to steadily improve its effectiveness and to enforce compliance. The Association strongly supports the program through signage and promotion.

Although the program is operated independently by each municipality, it shares common features. There is no charge to residents and cottagers provided their watercraft display a sticker from the municipality and a certifying they have been properly washed each time they leave and re-enter the lake. Visitors pay a fee for each motorized and non-motorized watercraft when the wash them and must display a certificate on their boat and their automobile confirming their watercraft have been properly washed prior to entering the lake. Infractions are punishable by fines. 

Details on the Blue Sea program can be obtained by telephone at (819) 463-2261, by visitng the municipal office at 10, rue Principale, Blue Sea. The Blue Sea boat washing station is located behind the Blue Sea Municipal Office and is open throughout the summer season 24/7.

Details on the Messines program can be obtained by telephone at (819) 465-2323 or by visiting the municipal office at 70, rue Principale, Messines (Québec) J0X 2J0 or by consulting the website at The Messines boat washing station is located across the street from the Messines Municipal Office at Marché Messines.


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